Manufacturing Industry Solutions Development

On the business development of manufacturing industry solution, we develop a system of vehicle development process for Toyota Motor Corporation. We are working on development of cutting edge system on the wide-range of fields such as PDM (Product Data Management)system which realize sharing a design data, MBD (Model-Based Development)which supports on control field, etc. We also handle development of fault diagnostic tools which response to after-sales services all over the world, and we made significant contribution of vehicle development or after-sales services of Toyota Motor Corporation.



Business process System Development

We support customer's business process reform and improvement which is mainly about manufacturing industry. We will response to various requests such as process change or simplify the maintenance of business unit, review of current process, automate activities, encouragement of eliminate wastes quickly.

Advanced Technology Development

In advanced technical development, we are taking part of development for IoT, BigDATA, AI, M2M, smart robot, etc. With our technology and knowledge, we develop and sale of remote water quality monitoring system in IoT solution as WeLLDAS system for Aqua System Block of MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL Corporation. And, we are also planning providing failure prediction services based on the past diagnosed data by analyzing collected a mountain of sensor data (BigDATA).


3D Product Development and Sales

We are doing sales and development of 3D Visualization Solution for the customer of manufacturing or construction industry. Focusing on development and sales of 3D PDF Solution, development/sales/customize/entrusted development of application which compliant with utilization of point cloud data from 3D cloud or 3D scanner, and effectively utilize 3D design data in various business processes inside and outside.

Similar 3D model data Searching Tool Using AI

Smart Search for Manufacturing (SS4M) is the tools for improving the productivity of tasks such as design, manufacture, purchase, and estimate by reusing the past experiences or knowledge of design and manufacture.

There is no dependency on SS4M with PDM/PLM or CAD system. Only prepare a 3D CAD file, it automatically construct a similar shapes search database, and search by shapes is possible right away.

IoT Product Development and Sales

By connecting sensor or devices with IT, let people know something if the motion or values change. That’s how create a BigDATA. Using them, and we develop and sales IoT products and systems that create a new value by causing innovation leading to human beings, products, and the environment.




Digital Creative Solution

We provide a new expressions by fusion of digital technology and creative. We visualize the customer’s strength with a wide range of solutions such as propose through construction of advanced UI/UX, planning and creation of interactive advertisement or contents, branding and developing visual communication tools.